

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. Here you will find a variety of questions about our services and what is required.

Our FAQ’s page does not have all possible question about Body DEXA Fit, so if you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact us.

Why is the Hologic Discovery the gold standard for testing for bone density?2019-05-21T13:37:02+10:00
  • Exceptional precision and accuracy
  • High-definition digital DEXA detectors improve fracture detection and help visualize abdominal aortic calcifications
  • Speed and image quality:
    • this imaging technology captures the hip and spine with as fast as 10-second regional scanning time
  • Superb visualization:
    • this exclusive design uses a high-resolution detector array paired with true fan-beam linear acquisition geometry
  • Consistency from exam to exam:
    • the system performs continuous, automatic calibration, ensuring precise measurement results from exam to exam
What are the benefits of bone density testing?2017-02-13T13:55:45+11:00
  • Early detection of bone loss and monitoring of therapeutic effectiveness
  • Measurement of axial skeletal sites where potential early bone loss may occur, hence improving the early detection rates
  • Highest precision of less than 1%
  • Low radiation dose for patient imaging, yet the imaging has a high resolution
What is Osteoporosis and Low Bone Density?2017-02-22T09:12:02+11:00


Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become fragile and brittle from reduction of the mineralised material in the bone. It causes an overall weakening of the affected bones and increased risk of fracture. It is a silent progressive disease causing low bone density which leads to enhanced bone fragility. Osteoporosis also leads to a consequent increase in fracture risk, which could result in hip, spine or forearm fractures.

Low Bone Density (Osteopenia)

Low bone density is when your bone density is lower than normal, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis. Osteopenia may mean that you have a greater chance of getting osteoporosis if you lose bone in the future because you have less bone to lose. People with LBD are more likely to break a bone compared to people with normal bone density

Check your Bone Density: HERE

Is DEXA scan safe?2017-02-13T14:27:35+11:00

Yes, it is very safe. The radiation doses are very low, which, in fact is less than one days’ exposure to natural background radiation. The technologist can sit just a few feet from you without a protective barrier because the levels are very low.

Is the DEXA Bone Mineral density testing rebatable with Medicare?2017-02-22T09:12:32+11:00

Bone mineral density test rebate may apply, so contact your Doctor or Body DEXA Fit for more information. A DEXA referral form with medicare rebate items no.s  can be downloaded.

Does the DEXA Body Composition Scan show my bone density?2017-02-13T14:38:17+11:00

DEXA Body Composition Scan will give you an overall indication of your bone density. However, the best way to assess your bone density is through the specialised bone density scan. This scan  requires a referral from a Doctor.

Can I claim the DEXA Body Composition scan or Bone Mineral density Test with my Private Health Insurance?2017-02-13T14:57:31+11:00

Please call your private health fund directly to see if you claim these tests.

Is the DEXA Body Composition scan rebatable with Medicare?2017-02-13T15:05:18+11:00

The DEXA Body Composition Scan is not rebatable with Medicare.

Are there any weight restrictions?2017-02-13T15:18:45+11:00

The DEXA scan table has a weight limit of 204 kgs.

Who interprets the Bone Mineral Densitometry results?2017-02-13T15:30:44+11:00

The person who views and interprets the Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) images is a Doctor specialising in Radiology. The Radiologist will prepare a report for your Health Care Professional. Other physicians such as rheumatologists and endocrinologists can also interpret the BMDs.

Who can operate a DEXA scan?2017-02-22T09:13:15+11:00

Body DEXA Fit provide qualified DEXA scan operators for the scan service who safely operate the technology and expertly interpret the results. The operators possess qualifications as a Radiographer, who are University trained, licensed with Department of Health and the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia, as well as accredited with Australian Institute of Radiography.

Please review the Our Team page for details of the qualifications and experience of the Body DEXA Fit team.

What should I wear to be scanned?2017-02-09T13:08:06+11:00

Please wear casual clothes without any metal such as zippers and studs.

How often should I have a DEXA Composition scan?2017-02-10T11:46:14+11:00

Your body composition can change quite rapidly. So we recommend having a scan every 2-3 months. Especially for those actively trying to lose fat or gain lean muscle mass.

What is Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)?2017-02-10T13:38:40+11:00

RMR is the amount of calories your body burns to maintain vital functions. This includes breathing, pumping blood, maintaining muscle as well as nervous system at resting conditions. This can be helpful to identify a daily calorie limit to induce weight loss. The human body doesn’t require energy to store fat, however it does for muscle. 

Who should have DEXA Body Fat Analysis?2017-02-10T11:22:53+11:00

First of all, if you are trying to lose weight and want to monitor body fat loss and muscle mass growth precisely; DEXA is an accurate measure of weight management and fitness programs.

Furthermore, if you are proactive in your health and want to reduce the risks of heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke and certain types of cancer.

Finally, if you are an athlete who is trying to achieve a low ratio fat to lean tissue mass e.g. Swimmer – how much muscle do I have in the trunk region? Football player – How much muscle did I lose in my right leg after injury.

What are the alternatives to DEXA?2017-02-13T10:15:30+11:00

The Alternatives

There are various methods for calculating body composition values. None of these alternatives are as accurate or reliable as a DEXA Scan, which actually measures your body composition with precision.

Height – Weight Tables:

This method was originally developed to establish recommended weight ranges based on mortality among large populations. The studies do not currently represent an accurate cross-section of the population and, therefore lack validity.

Body Mass Index (BMI):

BMI is a simple calculation that determines height to weight ratios. It is a widely accepted method of obesity, but is often quite misleading in its results. Guidelines do not distinguish for gender, ethnicity or age and do not distinguish obesity or leanness for individuals who are extremely muscular. For example, two people can have an elevated BMI reading and one can have normal levels of body fat and the other individual can have undesirable elevated levels of body fat.

Anthropometry (Skin-fold Measurements):

Generally speaking, skin-fold measurements are an inexpensive, easy, and portable method of body fat examination. However, results are very subjective as precision depends on the skill of the caliper technician, the site measured, and the quality of the calipers themselves.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA):

This method calculates body fat, fat free mass, hydration level, and other body composition values by passing a small electrical signal through the body. Impedance to the signal is greatest in fat tissue, while fat free mass allows it to pass much more easily. Hydration plays a large role in BIA calculations and levels outside the normal range can cause inaccurate results. Dehydration, which can be caused by:

  • not drinking enough fluids
  • drinking too much caffeine or alcohol
  • exercising or eating before testing
  • certain prescription drugs
  • illness or a woman’s menstrual cycle

Dehydration often causes fat tissue to be overestimated by BIA.

Why use a DEXA Scan for Body Composition and Body Fat Analysis?2017-02-13T15:38:32+11:00

DEXA body composition assessment reports provide fat mass, muscle mass and bone mineral content for the whole body, as well as waist and hip region, arms legs and trunk.  Absolutely no other body composition method can provide these regional values for body fat distribution.

Other body composition methods commonly used in Gyms are Skinfolds (calipers) and bioelectrical impedance. These methods provide less accurate and less detailed information. At Body Dexa Fit we can provide you with the most accurate assessment of your body composition available. The scanner measures the mass of lean tissue, fat and bone while producing an x-ray type image of your body.

Why is DEXA considered the “gold standard” in body composition measurement?2017-01-11T00:16:49+11:00

DEXA is one of the most accurate clinical determinations of body composition and fat free mass. Its results have been validated through repeated scientific study and it is against which other clinical and field method results are evaluated. Quite simply, it is the benchmark for accuracy that other techniques attempt to attain.

What is the difference between weight and body fat in terms of health risks?2017-02-13T13:46:13+11:00

Weight alone cannot accurately determine a person’s body fat percentage as well as the resulting health risks. New evidence indicates that fat loss, not weight loss can extend lifespan.

Why test body composition and measure body fat?2017-02-13T13:40:47+11:00

Growing research has demonstrated strong links between Body Composition and potential health risks such as:

  • heart disease
  • type II diabetes
  • high blood pressure also known as hypertension
  • stroke
  • certain types of cancer

By knowing your body fat percentage, you can take measures to improve your health and performance and hence, reduce your risk for various diseases.

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