By Checking
Agree and Continue, I hereby:
State that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Provide my personal details and a full medical history so that Dr Janet Macintosh may assess and manage my healthcare and determine suitability for a DEXA Body Composition assessment.
Agree for my medical record to be accessed by staff involved in my clinical care, including Body DEXA Fit for the provision of DEXA Body Composition Assessment.
Accept the additional charge of
$40 (Non-Medicare funded) for assessment and referral for DEXA body composition scan. This fee will only be charged if I proceed with the initial DEXA scan booking.
Confirm that there is no chance I mage be pregnnant; Confirm I have not had a barium x-ray, nuclear medicine scan or injection of an X-ray dye in the last week;
Confirm that I have not undergone 4 DEXA Body composition scans in the past 12 months