DEXA Body Composition Scan Helps you discover:
– If you’re losing fat or gaining muscle
– How many calories your body needs
– Monitor changes in regional body composition
DEXA scan video
– Where you specifically store fat
– If dangerous visceral fat is hiding around your organs
– Your bone density
– If you’re benefiting from your current diet or fitness plan
Body DEXA fit is the premiere Melbourne DEXA scan facility.
Body DEXA fit is located in Essendon North, just 9.6 km north-west of Melbourne’s CBD.
Standing on the scales tells you nothing about your body composition, your health or your value. Scales don’t tell you about changes in fat and muscle mass. “Fat loss” is important and not “weight loss”.
You may have gained some muscle and you still may have decreased the amount of dangerous visceral fat around the midsection.
Scales certainly don’t visualise this for you either!
Don’t rely on the scales. Get the whole picture with an Advanced Body Composition Assessment.
This is only available through DEXA technology.
How can Body DEXA Fit help you reach your Health and Fitness Goals?
What is DEXA?
– DEXA stands for Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry.
– It generates an ultra-low dose of radiation at two energy levels that are absorbed differently by bone, lean and fat tissues and is used to to determine how many grams of tissue is present.
– The amount of radiation is extremely small – less than one tenth the dose of a standard chest X-ray, and less than a day’s exposure to natural radiation.