Gift Vouchers

Is Body DEXA Fit the perfect gift for your friend?

Buy a gift voucher for your friends to help them reach their health and fitness goals.

How to use your Body DEXA Fit Gift Voucher

You can buy your Body DEXA Fit Gift Voucher online via Bookeo. All of our services are available to become the perfect gift for your friends.

It is easy to buy a gift voucher with Body DEXA Fit. Just follow the simple steps below:

1) Follow the link below

2) Pick the service your friend wants

3) Fill in your details

4) Pay and confirm your purchase

5) Gift voucher is non–refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full.


Gift Vouchers for your friends

Redeem your voucher today

To redeem your Body DEXA Fit Voucher:

1) Follow the link on your Gift Voucher Certificate (emailed to you)

2) Input the voucher code (on your GVC)

3) Book your DEXA Scan